What is Breathwork?
Described by some as accelerated mindfulness, simply put, Breathwork is any activity that involves becoming aware of, and then changing how we breathe. Different forms of Breathwork, such as Pranayama, have been practiced for thousands of years, with modern science only now catching up to understanding the benefits known in many eastern traditions for centuries.
Intentionally changing how we breathe can literally change our body chemistry. This in turn gives us the potential to change our physical, mental and emotional experience. You can try it for yourself now - wherever you are reading this, pause for a moment and breathe in slowly for 5, and then out for 5, and if you can, repeat 5 more times.
Feel any different?
Breathwork is now gaining more mainstream awareness with high performers around the globe realising for themselves the transformative power that has been right under their nose all along. So if your interest is in personal healing and inner transformation, or simply becoming the best version of you, Breathwork is a fantastic place to start.
What is Connected Breathwork?
Connected Breathwork is a simple yet profound breathing technique which utilises an open, flowing breathing pattern to create physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It really is the ultimate tool for optimal living.
People around the world are practicing Connected Breathing to:
• Feel more energised and revitalised
• Detoxify and improve health & wellbeing
• Improve circulation and strengthen the immune system
• Improve mental clarity & focus
• Release anxiety and alleviate depression
• Resolve past trauma and release emotional baggage
• Accelerate personal growth and development
• Develop a new dimension to a yoga or meditation practice
“One session is equivalent to about two years of psychotherapy”
“The genius here is in the blending of the conscious and unconscious minds to achieve our highest potential”